Everybody promises the best prices, selection, products, and services. What makes your business unique?

Have you ever noticed that the websites created for businesses like yours tend to have mostly the same content? It gets boring and can ding them in the search engine rankings if it looks like they just copy-and-pasted from a nearly identical website, made a few cosmetic changes, and called it a day.

If you want to be noticed, your website’s content should differ. Maybe your business has a cool origin story. Maybe there’s something genuinely unique about it that you think your target audience could relate to.

Your website will often be your target audience’s first impression of you. It can showcase things like:

  • Attention to detail. This includes being typo-free and grammatically correct. (Yes, I use Grammarly.) It should fit nicely into your website’s design.
  • What you offer. This should be laid out neatly and be easy to find on your website. That way, your target audience won’t be left guessing or become more likely to choose somebody else who provides greater clarity up front.
  • Unwillingness to cut corners to save a few bucks. Yes, I get it. You can find my competitors on Fiverr. Some of them are actually pretty good at what they do. However, some of my clients have told me they thought they had found somebody who could do it for half the price, and it didn’t go well. (Feel free to compare my services to Fiverr’s freelancers, by the way.) By hiring someone who can be more creative with your content, you can reach a wider audience with localized SEO and actually impress your audience.
  • Ability to clench a deal. How easily can potential customers contact or locate your business using your website as a springboard? Contact information like address and phone number should be easy to find. Don’t forget live chat and contact forms. If you mostly sell your products and services online, the product descriptions should be neatly organized with information about the products easy to locate.

Bottom line? Your business needs to stand out in a highly competitive environment, even if it means admitting that high-quality products don’t necessarily come cheap. That means creating content that doesn’t look like it was “spun” from someone else’s content. Tell me what makes YOUR business unique, and we can create content to match.


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